
The establishment of a joint law firm was a natural extension of our long-term cooperation. Everyone had their own reasons and expectations, but we were sure from the beginning that with such experience, mutual compatibility and customer trust, it is possible to create something truly valuable both for ourselves and our customers.


The name DEM is an abbreviation for deus ex machina, which means an unexpected solution or a quick saviour. The Latin saying itself derives from the technique used in the ancient drama by which the appearance of god on stage resolved the conflict. A suitable name for a law firm that aims to resolve a client’s situation quickly and successfully by “appearing on stage”. We will do our best to be worthy of the name.

Kalle-Kaspar Sepper

Kalle-Kaspar Sepper

Attorney at Law

I have always considered myself primarily as a trial attorney. I have more than 20 years of experience in civil, criminal, and administrative court proceedings and in disputes of very different content. I consider it important to keep my life interesting and developing, which is why I advise clients in a wide range of fields starting from everyday business law issues up to inheritance and family matters. I´m a member of the Estonian Bar Association since 2009 and I provide legal assistance in Estonian, Finnish and English. I also speak some Russian.

Janne-Liisa Ottis

Janne-Liisa Ottis

Attorney at Law

I have been working as an attorney since 2017 and I mainly represent clients in civil matters. My strength is a considerable experience in family, employment, and law of obligation disputes, but I can find a solution for my client in any field. As a person, I am straightforward and solution oriented. I advise clients in Estonian and English.

Alo Pormeister

Alo Pormeister

Attorney at Law

Client has the right to get rid of stress and focus on its principal job, entrusting legal advice and the protection of interests to an attorney. I have been a member of the Bar Association since 2000 and have several decades of experience working as an attorney and providing legal advice to clients. I specialize primarily in civil law, including the law of obligations, property, commercial, bankruptcy and labour law and court proceedings. I also provide legal assistance to clients in the foundation, acquisition and restructuring of companies, as well as in real estate transactions and the division of property in common ownership and joint ownership. In addition to the above, I have long-term experience in counselling of clients on matters of family law, including divorce of marriage, division of joint property, and in disputes related to parents’ right of custody over children. I advise clients in Estonian, English, Russian and Finnish.

Janno Kuusk

Janno Kuusk

Attorney at Law

I have been a member of the Bar since 2005 and during my career I have been involved in numerous civil disputes as well as advising clients on transactions, contract and commercial law.

In recent years, I have rarely been involved in court procedures and have focused on advising clients on a day-to-day basis including contractual issues, and transactions.

I have advised both Estonian and foreign clients on the establishing, acquisition, merger and division of companies, both locally and cross-border.

On my free time I cruise over Estonia and enjoy the unlimited freedom that being a pilot allows.

I can fluently service clients in Estonian, English and Finnish. Also I am able to communicate in Russian.

Kristel Viru

Kristel Viru

Attorney at Law

I have been working in the legal field for over 15 years, of which almost 10 years as an attorney. My main area of work is litigation.

I deal with civil and administrative matters daily, but I also advise clients on a wide range of other legal issues, such as employment law, insolvency law, company law, and I have also advised clients on commercial litigation. My result-oriented approach and willingness to work in the best interests of my clients have enabled me to deal with large and very complex precedent-setting disputes.

My aim is to find the best solution for the client and to protect the client's interests.

I communicate in Estonian, Russian and English.

Liis Mäeker

Liis Mäeker

Attorney at Law

I specialize in private law and my main areas of expertise are contract law and property disputes, including issues concerning joint or common ownership. Also since the beginning of my professional career I have contributed an important resource to the resolution of disputes under family and succession law. I have been involved in the legislative process of family law issues and have been a member of the Family Law Committee of the Estonian Bar Association for two consecutive terms. In addition, I have participated in large bankruptcy and commercial law cases and advised clients in enforcement proceedings.

I have extensive and versatile knowledge and thanks to high analytical skills, every dispute can be solved. I advise clients in extrajudicial proceedings, in transactions and in litigation, the latter of which accounts for the largest part of my work.

My interest in the work of an attorney at law comes from the diversity of fields and diversity of disputes, which is why I contribute an important resource to my development in every area of private law.

I obtained master's degree in law from the University of Tartu in 2012 and since 2013 I have been a member of the Estonian Bar Association.

I advise clients in Estonian and English.

 Silvia-Anna Gerontidi

Silvia-Anna Gerontidi


As an attorney, my primary areas of expertise include debt collection, labour law, corporate law, and civil litigation. In addition, I have compentence in consulting clients on competition law. I do my work meticulously and strive to provide the client with the finest possible outcome. I advise clients in Estonian, English and Russian.


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Krediidiasutus peab ka korralist lepingu ülesütlemist arusaadavalt ja sisuliselt põhjendama, vastupidisel juhul on makseteenuse lepingu ülesütlemine vastuolus hea usu põhimõttega

Krediidiasutus peab ka korralist lepingu ülesütlemist arusaadavalt ja sisuliselt põhjendama, vastupidisel juhul on makseteenuse lepingu ülesütlemine vastuolus hea usu põhimõttega

Harju Maakohus tegi 22.11.2023 olulise lahendi, milles analüüsis, kas krediidiasutuse poolt äriühinguga sõlmitud makseteenuse lepingu korraline ülesütlemine oli õiguspärane. Krediidiasutus oli lepingu üles öelnud korraliselt viidates sellele, et klient ei vasta enam panga riskiisule.

Harju Maakohus leidis, et makseteenuse pakkuja poolt lepingu korraliseks ülesütlemise aluseks olevad asjaolud saavad tuleneda eelkõige makseteenuse pakkujast endast, nt olukorras, kus on muutunud makseteenuse pakkuja lepingutingimused ja isik uutele tingimustele enam ei vasta. Makseteenuse korralisel ülesütlemisel saab arvestada üksnes nende asjaoludega, mis esinevad lepingu ülesütlemisel, mitte nende asjaoludega, mis võivad tekkida tulevikus. Kohus viitas ka varasemale Riigikohtu praktikale, mille kohaselt arvelduskonto lepingu korraline ülesütlemine ei saa toimuda ilma põhjendatusteta, sest hea usu põhimõttega ja toimetu võib olla lepingu ülesütlemine sellise isikuga, kellega makseteenuse pakkujal on seadusest tulenev kohustus sõlmida makseteenuse leping.

Makseteenuse lepingu ülesütlemist ei saa asuda tagantjärele põhjendama. Liiati ei saa seda teha kohtumenetluses uute põhjendustega. Kohus märkis, et lepingu ülesütlemise avalduse väide, justkui olnuks kliendi puhul katmata krediidiasutuse üldtingimustes välja toodud riskid, peaks olema põhjendatud. See tähendab, et krediidiasutus peab juba ülesütlemisavalduses ära näitama põhjendused, millised riskid ja mil viisil on krediidiasutuse arvates katmata. Samuti märkis kohus, et kuigi rahvusvaheliste sanktsioonide vältimisega seotud reeglite kohaldamine on kahtluspõhine ega pea tuginema üksnes ümberlükkamatult tõendatud faktidele, on krediidiasutusel kohustus oma kahtlusi piisavalt määral ja mõistlikult põhjendada ning tõendada.

Loodetavasti kujuneb selle ja teiste sarnaste kohtuvaidluste tulemusena välja selge praktika, mille kohaselt ei või krediidiasutused ka korraliselt lepinguid nii kergekäeliselt üles öelda, kuivõrd juriidilise isiku jaoks ei ole alternatiive – äritegevust ei saa ilma makseteenuse lepingu olemasoluta jätkata.

Klienti esindas vaidluses Advokaadibüroo DEM vandeadvokaat ja partner Kristel Viru.

NB! Kohtulahend ei ole veel jõustunud.

Law firm DEM is growing again!

Our wonderful team has been joined by our esteemed colleagues, attorneys-at-law Liis Mäeker, Kristel Viru and Janno Kuusk.

Liis and Kristel specialise in civil law and litigation. Janno advises clients primarily on commercial and litigation matters and, as a pilot, also on aviation law.

Liis advises clients in Estonian and English, Kristel in Estonian, English and Russian and Janno in Estonian, English, Russian and Finnish.

Welcome Liis, Kristel and Janno!

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